While pain many times is the catalyst for counseling, counseling can be a great opportunity for self reflection and personal growth! It can improve the way we perform within our selves, by helping us overcome obstacles whether self-imposed or acquired ( i.e childhood trauma, internalizing our parents, issues of addiction, depressive thoughts, and poor life choices etc.).
We can be helped to heal the way we feel about ourselves and act with others. We may have developed blocks due to fear, prior teaching and processes that narrow our choices, like lack of money, busyness and other demands.
We can always improve our ability to communicate with others. Sometimes we just need to understand and express our selves more clearly and be more genuine with ourselves. Other times we need to look more broadly at the world to understand the perspective of others.
At times in our lives, it is beneficial to seek counsel with a person, trained and compassionate, who can help you look differently at things and create the changes that you want in your life. Are you getting the MOST out of your life? Come and connect in a therapeutic partnership and explore what holds you back, or how to rediscover your passion!